Project Leaders
As you complete a project meeting, please complete the activity log so the Extension offices can track involvement for the end of year report. It is crucial this documentation is completed; KSRE wants to make sure we are offering instruction essential to the program.
Project Information
- Construction
- Buymanship
Energy Management
- Electric/Electronics
- Renewable Wind Energy (Power of Wind)
- Small Engines
Exploring 4-H (7-9 Year Old)
- Family
- Child Development
- Consumer Skills)
- Crochet
- Knitting
- Patchwork and Quilting
- Rug Making
- Spinning
- Weaving
- Ethnic Arts
- Macrame
- Bicycle
- Health
- Outdoor Adventures
- Recreation
Horse (includes Horseless Horse)
- Pets
- Cats
Plant Science
Space Tech
- Ag Mechanics (Welding)
- Agricultural Block Construction
- Astronomy
- Rocketry/Aerospace
- Robotics
- Computers
- Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS)